"More than 1.400 million crowns were invested in technical research and development in Sweden this year. The result of these huge - and continually increasing - investments will most certainly intervene and change mankind's external conditions. At the same time, our view of the world is also changing - i.e. our understanding of reality. In order to keep control over these developments, it seems essential that we become aware of this changed reality. Consequently, our investments for changing our external conditions, should be followed up by investments that make it possible to give expression for our changed understanding of reality. One possible investment area is the artistic area, the part of reality which is especially concerned with emotions, needs and evaluations.
A group of musicians and theorists from Fylkingen has worked intensively with these problems for years. The time has come to demonstrate the result of their work in pratice, and show what electronic, many-channeled sound reproduction and modern computer technique are capable of doing when used by an artist as tools in the struggle to express our changed view of reality.
Therefore, Fylkingen is arranging an international festival in Stockholm this Fall to show collaboration between artists, scientists and technicians that is necessary in this context.
We find this a fascinating experiment and an important cultural effort.
Sven Brohult, Professor, director of the Academy of Engineering Science [Ingeni�rsvetenskapsakademien]/Stig Claesson, Professor of Physical Chemistry, Uppsala University/Arne Engstr�m, Professor of Medical Physics, Karolinska University Hospital/Tor Ragnar Gerholm, Laboratory assistant - Physics, Stockholm University/Torsten GustafsonProfessor of Theoretical Physics, Lund University/�ke Gustafsson, Professor of Forest Genetics, the College of Forestry [Skogsh�gskolan]/Lars Gunnar Larsson, Professor of Radiotherapy, Ume� University/Arne M�ntzing, Professor of Genetics, Lund University/Bror RexedProfessor of Anatomy, Uppsala University/Olof Rydbeck, Professor of Electrophysics, Chalmers University of Technology/Bengt Romby, Professor of Polymer Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology/Ingvar Svennilson, Professor of National Economics, Stockholm University/Per-Arne Tove, Laboratory assistant - Electronics, Uppsala University/Henry Wallman, Professor of Applied Electronics, Chalmers University of Technology"
(This appeal was found in Folke H�hnel's article "Fylkingen" from the book 'Ny musik & intermediakonst', published by Fylkingen f�rlag in 1994. Translation from Swedish by Carol van Nuys.)